Thursday, November 13, 2008

REPORTER BLOG: It's Over?!?!?!

Whitney Hare

It's hard to believe how fast 10 weeks flew by this quarter! This has by far been the best quarter I've experienced at OU so far. While I knew I would gain experience in this class, I never realized how much. We did everything this quarter. We all got the chance to see what our careers would be like in the real world.... for the most part!

Every TV station out in the real world might not have the same protective bubble as Athens, Ohio... but every station does have reporters, anchors, producers... etc, etc. We worked as a functioning newsroom. We had technical difficulties. We had some great shows, and some not so great shows. Regardless of what was going on in each of our individual lives we went on air at noon.

This class taught us what to do under pressure, what to do when there's no stories and what to do when things don't go quite according to plan. We were fortunate to not have to take any other classes this quarter. In life, you don't have class to interfere with work. Obviously, you'll have life that interferes, but life interferes with class too. Because MidDay was the only thing we had to focus on, we were able to give it the full attention it deserved.

I'm looking forward to next quarter in MidDay too, but it just won't be the same. I can't believe I'll only be in our newsroom two days a week instead of four. I can't believe I have to take other classes. I can't believe all my friends who anchor, producer, do sports and weather won't be in this class with me any longer.

All in all, I can't believe it's over. I'm anxious to go home for the six week break and spend time with my friends and family, but then once I get back, I'm six weeks closer to graduation and the real world. That is something I am NOT ready for. I just have to remind myself to enjoy what's left of college and take it all in. It's all going to be over before I know it!

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