Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Are you committing "Social Sins?"

By Eric Willard

On Monday, the Vatican made an announcement that may make Catholics rethink their decisions on a daily basis.

The Vatican made a list of new sins for the 21st century. The list includes new technologies and issues that effect people today.

The List
- Environmental pollution
- Genetic manipulation
- Accumulating excessive wealth
- Inflicting poverty
- Drug trafficking and use
- Morally debatable experiments
- Violation of fundamental rights of human nature

"They were talking about situations in today's world that impact our relationships with God and one another in a way people need to be aware of that weren't present even 100 years ago," Father Marty Holler, priest at Christ the King Church, said.

Father Marty Holler on the new sins

Mortal vs. Venial Sins
There are two types of sins in the Catholic religion.

The first are Mortal sins. According to the Catholic Church these are sins that people commit knowing the consequences. These are also the more serious of the two. The new sins are considered to be Mortal sins.

Venial sins are lesser in severity. The church defines these as everyday activities that are considered a temporary loss of grace. These include yelling at someone or hurting someone else's feelings.

Father Marty on Mortal and Venial sins

History of Sins
The "Seven Deadly Sins" were first introduced to the public in the 6th century by Pope Gregory the Great. They include: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride.

According to Father Marty, these seven are used as a "filter" to help categorize the types of sins that Catholics commit. For example, if someone gets angry at someone else, this will be a sin that will be placed in the wrath "filter."

The new list of sins will not take the place of the "Seven Deadly Sins," but will be considered the Seven Social Sins.

Father Marty on the "Filters"

Reaction to the Vatican's New 'Social' Sins
Father Marty and many local Catholics are reacting to the announcement from the Vatican.

"It's hard when someone is telling you what to do or how to live your life, but if they are really adherent to their religion then they will listen to what the Pope says, but people do what they want to do," says Catholic student Christie Succop.

Catholic student Christie Succop on the new "social sins"

Father Marty takes a different view on the issue. He thinks that the new sins are necessary, but do not break any new ground on what a sin is.

Father Marty on impact on Catholic Church

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